Monday, February 13, 2017


    This was the time when Winny developed an unusual feeling; any such feeling could not be named as it was developed suddenly by that young girl. She wanted that fellow guy Jimmy whom she always wanted to see. Always find her way out seeing him. It might be impossible for her to do but you know what guys, your deep thoughts, your desires can somehow be true and destiny can change a person's life and aspect even mindset.
     I gazed at him, the way he stare his phone's display and simply run his right hand and ruffle his hairs a bit trying to look his best.
    He used to spend his normal days at college, attending lectures and chattering with class mates of the class and even other classes, which includes girls. I know girls which are quiet normal aren’t?
   But it wasn't that normal for me! At first I was comfortable because it was really common for everyone for us but as time passes I realized his friendship with girls spending his free time with them giggling and enjoying their company was becoming unbearable for me never excite me, I was little disturbed by his activities.
  There was a girl who was his close friend, from that I mean Jimmy would share almost everything with her. In our class everyone would gossip about their closeness and pass comments that they are more than friends. That girl was a common friend of both of us, which even distressed me. She was in long term relationship with her boyfriend and quiet close, but sometimes you never know your destiny.
  Madness made me sad, I never understood this feeling. It is very important to know when you are mad, because feeling mad means you’re down for the count, and in need of major internal sorting. We all get mad multiple times in a day, but many of us are so good at managing it in socially acceptable ways that we deny our madness. Tried to take constructive action, but that made me quiet.
Image result for image eyes with tearsThere were several questions exploded my mind.
                  Why those emotions arose?
                  Why I could not control myself?
                  Why I wanted to be so selfish?
It was a battle between pure sadness and pure fear, it was pain and I realized the emptiness.
I never wanted to see them close, not even that particular girl. I wanted to grab his attention like hell! That made me aggressive and annoyed.
   His rebelliousness always pulled my legs but i never loosed hope, I could not speak and express my feelings openly and confidently as I had a fear of "Rejection".

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